

It’s not just a buzzword or marketing strategy, true equity and accountability can help your bottom line.

It’s not just a buzzword or marketing strategy, true equity and accountability can help your bottom line.


embracing racial and cultural differences as assets 

signature workshops

Deconstructing Oppression: 
Part One & Two

Our Deconstructing Oppression Workshops help organizations to explore many topics, including: Racism, Sexism, Ableism, and Religious Persecution.

Part One focuses on the roles of individuals and organizations in understanding, then dismantling oppression. It covers how biases, values, and principles are formulated and how those impact our relationships. Then we explore how to maximize team strengths in fighting oppression, while being aware of weaknesses and blind spots.

Part Two continues our discussions on relationships and how we partner with individuals and organizations to deconstruct oppression. The discussions focus on maximizing and ensuring that your principles guide those relationships.

Anti-racist audit

Our Anti-Racist Audit provides a baseline of how your organization approaches racial and cultural differences.

accountability framework

The Accountability Framework creates a simple blueprint to mutually accountable relationships with key partners.

additional topics

Implicit Bias
Internalized Oppression
White Organizational Culture