

What is your life motto?  Are you getting the most out of life?

What is your life motto? Are you getting the most out of life?

what does it mean to be a maximizer?

A common refrain and focus with most employee evaluations identifying and working on where employees are weakest. If they want to get cheeky, companies will relabel them as challenges. Then the individual has a whole year to work on that deficiency before the next employee evaluation.

That doesn’t help anyone.

I like to focus on what could happen if we focused on the BEST qualities of individuals and organizations. What if we leaned into what we do well and create opportunities to do those things as often as possible? I believe that the responsibility of any manager is to create those opportunities for their staff members and do what they can to minimize the negative impact of their weak spots.

THAT’s what it means to be a Maximizer and that’s what I do for every organization I work with.



areas of expertise

training & development

Developing Leadership
Designing Training & Development
Performance Management Systems
Clarifying Goals & Objectives
Employee Evaluations
Employee Observations

Financial management

 Budget Development
Obtaining 501(c)3 Status
Creating Financial Statements
Company Setup

Non-Profit Management

Board Recruitment & Orientation
Board Operations
Board Finances
Board Fundraising
Executive Director Evaluation
Executive Director Searches
Programming Rubrics


Writing & Editing
Facilitation & Speaking